"The Potter"
by Janet Faye Broyles
Here’s my broken life, Lord—broken like a cup;
To my loving Father now I lift it up.
Jesus, You’re The Potter—I am just the clay;
You can make or break me—for I’ve no right to say.
Just hold me in Your Hands, Lord,
Mold me with Your Love;
I trust You completely, Potter of Great Love.
In my daily life, Lord, with Your Wisdom guide,
Make my life more pure, Lord, wash me from inside.
Jesus, You’re The Potter—I am just the clay;
You can make or break me—for I’ve no right to say.
Please hold me in Your Hands, Lord,
Mold me with Your Love;
I trust You completely, Potter of Great Love.
Written while I was living in Ft. Smith, Arkansas (sometime between 1983-1991) and going through a season or two of deep trials that left me broken, yet protected in the hands of my Lord Jesus.
© 1983 by Janet F. Broyles
This poem is protected by copyright laws and may not be reprinted or posted to a site without permission from Janet F. Broyles. All readers are welcome to forward the devotional to a friend or link to it. If you would like to seek permission to reprint the devotional in full, please leave a message for me here.