This is my first blog on my first blog space. A friend of mine in Florida, Amber, started a blog space and I was inspired to do the same.
I don't have much to post today. It rained all night Sunday night and up until lunch-time today. Now there are alerts for flash-flooding along the roads and the possibility of rivers flooding as well. I did fine on my drive into work today from Mom's house, but did encounter several places where water was already onto the road.
Life is always different in Oklahoma "...where the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet, and the wind comes right behind the rain...." The young man who rents one of Mom's (and Dad's) farms already has his wheat crop cut, thankfully before the rain. The wind (85-100 mph straight-line) came last week to help ripen the wheat faster and this week is actually the rain, so we're backwards from the song text, but God knows best. Rodgers & Hammerstein will understand.
Today is my Aunt Marymarie's 80th birthday. We had a wonderful weekend full of surprises for her with all the family and friends that could be rounded up.
I look forward to reading posts from all of you who have time to participate in this blog spot.
Because of Jesus,
Janet B =o)