Dear God,
When we wake up each day, we never know what to expect. Thank You that we can confidently trust in You during each moment of our days and nights--in the fun times as well as in the difficult times.
Thank You that You never leave us nor forsake us.
Thank You that nothing surprises You about our lives, 'cause it sure surprises us sometimes. And every so often it's not a very happy surprise--like with a bad doctor's report that we receive.
I thank You that we are wonderfully created by You. I pray that my body would function the way that You created it to.
I ask You to provide Your healing touch for me according to your will for my life.
Please guide my earthly doctors to know the things to do that can help me the most.
I pray that You would give Mom and me Your Peace that passes human understanding in the midst of this season of great trial.
I know that You care about us and will take care of us now and forever.
Surround us with people who will do practical, helpful, and encouraging things to help us and that will remind us of Your love for us.
In Jesus' Name I pray,